Health & Fitness Blog

How Can My Workout Give Me Results Between the Right Ear and Left Ear?
Regardless of your fitness level or age, making time for regular exercise provides incredible mental health benefits that last well after your workout. Check out some of the many ways that exercise can help clear your mind, reduce debilitating symptoms and help you achieve a healthier lifestyle.

You Can’t Out-Train a Bad Diet and You Won’t Believe What I Did
Healthy eating is key no matter what, but some people do better following a diet plan. You’ve probably seen an article about the ketogenic diet, known as the keto, or a celebrity endorsing it. America is in a keto craze now! But what is the ketogenic diet and is it right for you?

There is No Magic Exercise, Magic Diet, or Magic Pill to Lose the COVID 19 Pounds; but There is a Secret
There are plenty of things we can’t control during a pandemic. One of the things we can control is how we move our bodies. Gyms have reopened throughout Oregon and are adhering to CDC guidelines in order to ensure the health and safety of both staff and clients. But getting started is often the most difficult part of a personal fitness program. Once a routine is established, it becomes an ingrained part of your lifestyle.

Train with Intensity
People ask me all the time to explain or describe my training philosophy. In last week’s article, we talked about intensity, so I guess since we have an